Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A New Mission to Mars in 2020

A New Mission to Mars 

Science Team Outline Goals for NASA'S 2020 Mars Rover

In a Report Released by Nasa it set's a goal for a new rover to launch in 2020. The Rover is likely to look just like the Mars Science Lab with a few new features. This mission may send back the first mars samples to earth. there can be more information about this at this link http://www.nasa.gov/press/2013/july/science-team-outlines-goals-for-nasas-2020-mars-rover/#.Udx4Iju-ptQ

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Birth of Crowd Funding Space

Send Your Own Pocket Spacecraft to Space

The Birth of Crowd Funding Space

A group called Pocket Spacecraft based in Bristol ,United Kingdom. Wants for you to send a personal spacecraft into space. These spacecraft are called Pocket Spacecraft. They are cheap and easy to produce. The spacecraft can travel to Low Earth Orbit, The Moon, and They hope one day to Mars.This is no easy task and with out the funds they may not make it to space. With the huge success of the Planetary Resources  ARKYD 100 Space Telescope. Could these small corporations make it to space with the help of Kickstarter. Let me know in the comments below.

Monday, July 1, 2013

SBN Russian Proton Rocket Crashes


Space Breaking News

Russian Proton Rocket Crashes

Seconds After Launch

The Rocket Blasted off at 2:38 UTC on Tuesday morning after a Successful Countdown. the 53 meter tall launch vehicle stared veering off course. The Vehicle deviated form the vertical path and its business end swung several time into different directions as the engines on the firs stage were gimbaled to correct for the motion. Proton did not re-gain control and flew nearly horizontally for a few seconds before hitting the ground. Immediately after the accident the Video coverage of the launch was Suspended No information form the Baikonur Cosmodrome was Available about the Incident. Disaster Unfolded at the Baikonur Cosmodrome when a Proton-M Rocket Carrying Three Glonass Navigation. Satellites failed Immediately after liftoff and crashed into the Step of Cosmodrome.